Types of Bridges

Types of Bridges

Bridge construction involves various techniques and methods to span large bodies of water or land, facilitating seamless movement from one side to another. This process requires skilled professional workers, such…
Types of Worms

Types of Worms

Worm is a long, thin creature having no bones or legs and lives in soil. Worms are of several different types and it is not possible to cover each and…
Types of Goats

Types of Goats

It is believed that goats together with sheep are one of the oldest domesticated animals. Archaeologists have found the goat remains at many of the archaeological sites in western Asia…
Types of Pitbulls

Types of Pitbulls

There is a misconception among the people regarding the term ‘pit bull’ as majority of them believe that this term refers to a single breed of dog. However, this belief…
Types of Ivy

Types of Ivy

Ivy is a kind of plant that is the member of family Araliacease, of the genus Hedera. Ivy plants have many different varieties characterized by prominent features. There are five…
Types of Triangles

Types of Triangles

A triangle is one of the basic geometry figures which is a polygon having three sided shape that lies in one plane. We can define triangle as a polygon with…
Types of Tornadoes

Types of Tornadoes

The term tornado is defined as a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle. Tornadoes are basically a vertical column of air which is narrower at…
Types of Science

Types of Science

Science is a systemized knowledge about the natural and physical world gained by systematic research. It is a broad term that covers a lot of different subjects. There are so…
Types of Cows

Types of Cows

There are more than 800 different species of cows known all over the world and out of these 800 breeds there only 4 which are popular and characterized by their…
Types of Aerobics

Types of Aerobics

A physical activity which is practiced long and adequate to increase respiratory and circulatory efficiency is called aerobics. Many diseases such stroke, diabetes, heart complications, cancers and hypertension can be…
Types of Welding

Types of Welding

Welding is a process of joining or connecting two materials normally metals and thermoplastic. This is usually achieved by coalescence. Welding is of three types, i.e. Arc welding, MIG welding…
Types of Genetic Disorders

Types of Genetic Disorders

The most obvious cause of genetic disorders is irregularities in the genes or chromosomes of the people. Genetic disorders usually appear in the person with two or more abnormal genes.…
Types of Deafness

Types of Deafness

Deafness is a medical condition or state where a person is unable to hear, or in simple words, it is a loss of hearing. Hearing evaluation is a crucial step…
Types of Warts

Types of Warts

A wart is a kind of small, rough growth on the surface of the skin usually caused by some kind of viral infection. A virus from the family of HPV…